Saturday 19 November 2011


Through what I had learnt with my felting workshop, I had liked the idea of trapping and layering and how things could become trapped in rock. I had a few attempts at trapping things through plastic but these weren't very successful as the plastic wasn't effected much by the heat I applied to it. While doing these experiments I found that melting plastic bags with an iron gave a scaly rough texture. I wanted to see what would happen by painting this and then layering it up to reveal different colours under the layers of plastic. I thought this worked quite effectively, especially with the machine stitching on top, creating more texture.

I think the back is just as interesting as the front because of the layering of coloured stitching. The texture looks rough like rock especially because of the puncture marks from the needle.

I then decided to cut wavy strips out of the piece to see how it would change the dimensions, but I don't think it worked that well as it looks too structured compared to the rough textured feel of the piece. I then used these cut out strips to create a rock formation, it reminds me of armour or a protective shell for an animal such as an insect or armadillo. I was happy with the outcome of this.

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