Sunday 6 November 2011

Critical review of sketchbook

I start off my project using various different visuals such as books, journals and museums/ gallery visits. Throughout my project I have continued to record appropriate information from my visit to Manchester Museum. I used photos from this visit to create drawings of different sizes using mixed media, some original drawings are in my sketchbook with photos of larger or 3D pieces. I also do smaller sketches in my notebook of things that might give me extra ideas to develop my work further.

Photo shows my sketchbook and notebook with original drawings and photos of large scale drawings using mixed media.

The layout of all my work is very clear so it is easy for me understand and find things.

This photo shows the clear layout of my sketchbook, with photos of my work and a rock from a museum, with original drawing in stitch underneath, that I did of the rock.

I keep samples of my work in a large sketchbook, take records in a notebook and I have created a folder for artist research.

Photo showing pages from my notebook showing ideas and notes. The bits of paper that I stuck in are parts of a journal that I found interesting with sketched ideas of work I could create. The photo on the right page is of something I found interesting because of the colour and how it related to my project.

I will reference certain artists in my sketchbook that I have taken inspiration from in my folder. Such as the image below, this shows an image of Nevin Arig's piece 'Andalouisa'  from my folder and I have then photographed my piece and put the photos in my sketchbook.

Although I take inspiration from other types of art and design as I take references and put them in my research folder, I am unsure of if it can be observed in my work.
     Because I chose quite a broad subject to do my project on 'rocks and minerals', I found it quite easy to get enough research to stimulate my ideas. I got a great deal of research from various books and Manchester Museum so I use a lot of both visual and textual research in my work. I then started to look at different materials and colours I could use, taking inspiration from photos I have taken.
    My ideas develop from each other, when I start out a project I try out a number of different ways of working  until I find one that really really interests me and flows well with my project. Although I think I should try more in the future to explore that certain process as much as I can to get the most out of it.
    Sometimes there isn't a clear pattern of how I get from A to B as some pieces from projects may be mixed up if I have two things going on at the same time. I have noticed that some students organise everything in a sketchbook once they have finished each small project, so I will aim to work like this in the future.

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