Wednesday 9 November 2011

Development of starting ideas

After drawing just using pencil and pen, I wanted to try out drawing using stitch and also try out more stitching into felt.

These are continuous line drawings in stitch, I like how they look like their moving because of how expressive I felt while I was stitching them. I preferred the bottom piece, this piece was stitched on the other side and then turned over as I found the puncture holes from the needle interesting. 

I decided to stitch continuously into this piece of felt I made, I like how it creates small bubbles in the centre of each of the circles making it more interesting as it has deformed the shape to make something more 3D. Because of the thread stiffening the felt, it can be moulded easily into different shapes.

This was also stitched on the other side of the paper and turned over as I find the textures more interesting, I then brushed the paint over the top of the stitches and puncture marks to create extra texture. 

I also used puncture marks on this drawing as a feature to show the fold marks in the rock above, as well as stitching on the sewing machine. I like the rough texture the mixture of graphite and oil bar has created.

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