Saturday 19 November 2011

Dye Workshop

We were told to make pieces of felt using white wool and thread to take to the dye lab. I decided I wanted to put different pieces of knitting in with my felt to create a patterned texture. I also thought instead of just creating a piece of knitting why not try knitting through a piece of material I could dye. This worked very well, I learnt that I needed to knit on both sides of the fabric for it all to stay attached. I found that when placed in a dark dye the knitted pieces I made didn't stay that textured so I decided to manipulate these in different ways with stitching later. I found that dye doesn't apply itself the same to all threads and materials so this gives a nice effect when using different types together. Before dying I decided to place my felt pieces over a light to show all the different textures in them, this worked very effectively, it looked like an x-ray.

I chose the colours to dye my pieces from this photo. 

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