Thursday 17 November 2011

Drawing workshops

This piece was inspired by Nevin Arig's piece 'Andalouisa' I wanted mine to be focused on the flow and shapes in my piece so I kept my colour neutral. I also wanted the outer shape to be resemblant of a rock so I placed curves in certain areas, unlike Arig's. 
    Nevin Arig's 'Andalouisa'

As part of our drawing workshop we were then asked to de-construct the drawing we had previously created. I had decided on the idea of de- construction rather than the actual form. Instead of literally taking my previous drawing apart, I decided on the idea of strips of paper and how I could manipulate them. Throughout this project certain images have kept my interest, one is the image below.  I like how the folds in the rock create a rough texture yet it has been cut smooth to reveal the flowing lines. I decided this would give me inspiration for my next drawing piece. I ripped the paper to create rough textured edges then bent them over so they would stand off the wall when I stuck them on to create more layers. I then over lapped these many times, bending and squashing them into a rock formation.   

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