Wednesday 9 November 2011

Starting points to project

Colour and texture initially interest me as it gives me a basis to work from. 

Colour study from the photo showing both final colours I am happy with and the colours I mixed to get to the end result.

Continuous line drawing without looking, I find this way of working interesting as you don't worry about what is on the page, your hand becomes more free and expressive. I like how bits over- lap creating layers. To me it looks like a cliff edge.

I tried experimenting with different ways of drawing this piece to see how the end drawing would differ. I prefer the bottom drawing as it is more exciting and lively because of the quality of the thin flowing line.

This marble interested me as it appears so textured because of the layers of colour, but yet is smooth and flat. I went to a gallery in Cornwall during the summer and remembered Alexandra Dickens' work, she smudged oil paint across a canvas using flat surfaces like a ruler to create an image, but kept the layers of paint quite flat. I tried this process using acrylic paint and cardboard to smudge my paint in thin layers across the surface, I let the colours dry before adding another layer so the colours would be more vibrant and stand out from one another appearing to create a texture.

I wanted to experiment with the different layers using felt as it is such a sensitive material. If I was to make this piece again I think I would make the strips of wool thinner so the colours blend into each other more and look less like blocks of colour. I think the French knots work well over the surface of the felt and add another dimension. I would like to try more stitching into felt.

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