Saturday 18 February 2012

Project Evaluation

     I felt quite confident coming into this project as I thought the brief helped my focus. I was happy that we were creating samples as our main process as I find this the most interesting and important part of a project because it is where I learn the most.
     During this project I have become better at evaluating my work and looking at it as a whole so I can find different ways to improve and develop it. I have also become better at experimenting with other media; which would not usually be used in art, creating marks with when drawing. I have also learnt how to produce a colour study with things other than paint, such as yarns or random objects. I would like to continue this in the future.
This piece was drawn using the stick from a child's bubble set and a razor dipped in ink and a graphite on the end of a garden stick.

     After the last project I am still trying to improve the amount of drawing I create as I know this helps with my project. When it came to writing my own brief I also created a time table which made things a lot easier as I was more organised. I need to do this in the future to make sure I am doing enough drawing.
     While I was doing the knit workshop I became very interested in experimenting with different materials, including different yarns but also everyday objects such as video tape and foil.
Knitted piece created with foil.

     While doing a story workshop in uni I noticed that a lot of my work included circular shapes, so I decided to incorporate this in my knit work by using circular patterns. This then made it easy for me to write my own brief  as I had become so interested in patterns I decided to focus on them in my photoshop workshop. 
One of my photoshop pieces I created at the beginning of the workshop.

     I felt that in my last project my sketchbook wasn't in a proper sequence, so for this project I decided to stick small sections of work in at a time which I feel has worked more effectively.
     I have really enjoyed both the knit and photoshop workshop, they were both new to me so I learnt a lot. During the photoshop workshop I decided to carry on machine knitting and I dyed my own yarns which worked very effectively. I would like to experiment more with dye in the future. 
This is a photo of my dyed yarns.
     I also felt that photoshop was a good way of drawing, even though it was on the computer I still felt in total control of what I wanted to create, just as I am with a pencil or other drawing tool.
     Different artists/ designers always have influence on my work, but I think the most integral during this project was the work of Timorous Beasties as his wallpaper totally changed the direction of my photoshop work. Before I was creating feminine pieces but after I created quite ominous pieces. I found this more interesting and it was also easier to create work.
Timorous Beasties wallpaper I used for inspiration.

Photoshop piece inspired by Timorous Beasties work.

     The things I would change during this project are that I would have created  a timetable for the first half of the project so I would have been more organised and I would have done more drawing. I would also have liked to experiment more with materials I could have printed my photoshop work onto. But overall I am happy with project as I feel I have learnt a lot and produced some good samples.



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