Wednesday 1 February 2012

New brief

I decided to continue my project by just focussing on pattern as I thought this would work well on photoshop which was my next workshop and I thought it would develop my project well. I started off research in the library by looking at different ways artists have used pattern such as in wallpaper and fabric, but also looking at ways different artists use photoshop. I started by doing sketches of patterns and warping them together. I wanted more research so I went to the Whtiworth Art Gallery but they didn't have any appropriate work for my project. I then started to look at wallpaper samples I had got, I have now being drawing from these and I have started creating monoprints and rubbings from them.

As part of my research I started looking at books that told of different ways I could create prints, one way was potatoe printing, I tried this using the simple shapes of a design I had liked in another book. I started using the colour scheme I had chosen from a postcard I had liked. I found that the potatoe printing didn't work with the design as it was so complex the shapes needed to be bold and the colours more contradictory.

I have decided I want to carry on doing machine knitting along side my photoshop work as it creates a lot of visual research. I decided that I wanted to dye my own yarns to match the colours in my postcard. When I was dying my yarns the process happened quicker than  it should have so the colours came out too bright so I ended up having to bleach them to fade them to the correct colour, this ended up working very well. Yarns before bleach:

Postcard that inspired colours:

Final dyed yarns:

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