Wednesday 15 February 2012

Creating materials

In a drawing class we were told to create our own drawing materials using garden poles and attaching objects to the ends to draw with. I chose normal things that you draw with such as graphite to attach to the ends, but also other objects that could be dipped in ink or paint, such as a razor, sponges, toothbrush, a collection of wire to create a large brush and also part of a children's bubble set. I found that the stick part of the bubble set made very interesting marks because of all the ridges. I also liked the movement using the stick created to my pieces as I working a lot more freely. I will use these drawing materials again in the future as well as create some new ones.
This was created by attaching different sized wire to a long stick, dipping it in ink and drawing while it is on the wall.
This was an oil pastel attached to a long stick and drawn on the wall while holding it under my arm.

This was created by dipping the bubble stick in ink and paint and dabbing it on the paper while it was on a table and the wall, I like the texture that this creates.

These were created with a razor, graphite, and the bubble stick dipped in paint.

These were created by dipping a sponge in ink, and drawing with graphite.

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