Monday 5 March 2012

Manchester Art Gallery Visits

I visited Manchester Art Gallery and Whitworth Art Gallery for research and inspiration. I didn't find the work at Manchester Art Gallery that inspiring as there wasn't that much contemporary and innovative work. But I did see a piece by Ingo Maurer who creates unusual interior and installation pieces, you can find a lot of information of his work on . I also liked the work of Jurgen Bey who creates objects and furniture, these are two of his pieces:

I also liked the work of Tord Boonjte who uses his patterns and images on a number of different surfaces, this is what I like about his work, that it can be transcribed onto many different things and it still has the same feminine fragile look.

But the work that inspired e the most was the glass plates created by Catherine Carr, she creates these by crocheting or knitting with glass. I like the idea of using a material that wouldn't normally be used when doing a certain process, such as machine knitting, printing. 

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