Sunday 18 March 2012

Nigel O'Donnell exhibit

My friend took me to exhibit that we knew nothing about and was impossible to find in Manchester, even google maps couldn't find it! Finally through word of mouth on the street we managed to find it. It was advertised on leaflets but didn't actually give any clues about what it would be exhibiting, when I arrived I was pleasantly surprised. He creates his work using spray paints, stencils and traditional painting. Some even involved wallpaper which I really liked. He gets his inspiration from urban architecture and fashion, including beauty of the human form and the darker side of city life.
I loved this collection of pieces, he made the body look like a work of art, the lines and shapes so beautiful and calm. I also liked these pieces using print, I thought they worked really effectively with the mix of feminine floral colours and shapes with the harshness of a skull.

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