Tuesday 27 March 2012

Model Making

We started creating models from our drawings out of paper to represent what kind of ideas we had and to help us create new ideas. I found this very useful as I can see which ideas will work the most effectively. I think a good material for me to use to soften the walls and add more colour would be felt. I have thought about manipulating this into different shapes. 

I thought this shape worked very well as the curls soften the wall but the spaces between the shapes create long vertical lines which would look very effective on long walls as it would appear to lengthen it even further.

I thought this worked quite effectively apart from the shapes would need to be on a much bigger scale in a building to have any effect. I want something more detailed for my pieces like an intricate birds nest.

I think this 3D weave would work really effectively on a large scale as I could weave different colours through. In felt the springs would be soft and boingey so people especially art students would be attracted to its surface and would like to touch it.

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