Tuesday 13 March 2012

Arriving Task- Kynance Cove, Cornwall

My window is wound down in the car, country air blowing through my hair brushing against my sun warmed skin. All I can see around me is greenery. The car turns off down a gravel path, the bush fences give way to a large field filled with busy bodies and cars. Families start unloading their cars. I see the ocean on my left, calm and still, nearly blending with the blue sky, clear of all clouds. I step out of the car grabbing my bag, following the other tourists down the steep declining pathway, dusty mud whips up in the air by the movement of peoples eager feet. We finally get to a platform where you can view over the whole cove. This feels like no where else in Britain, the air clean, no stench of rotting fish and seaweed; the water and sand so clean, the sun shining so strongly it warms your body right through. I continue down the pathway toward the sand, large boulders start to appear so we have to clamber over them. I finally reach  the sand and take my sandals off to feel the warm, soft dry sand envelope my feet. 

These were paintings I did of the landscape of Kynance Cove as what I remember the most is the beautiful exotic looking landscape you can see when you stand on the platform. I also wanted to do a painting of the cove from above as I find the shapes of the rocks very interesting.
I find rocks very interesting to I decided to paint and draw a rock surface, I mixed my paint with different types of salt to create a rougher surface. 

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