Thursday 17 May 2012


I found the model making workshop really useful as it helped me to visualise what kind of work would be produced well in felt. I found that I could take shapes from any area of life and then transfer them into a model which I could then make out of felt. I will definitely continue to produce models as a way of  creating visual research in future, it helped me with my progress in this project immensely. I found that I got my contextual references from a lot of different places so I was very interested in my work as I was keeping it fresh. The special collections was especially useful with this project as it gave me a lot of interesting facts and images to work with. The most useful reference I used in there was a book of bird paintings by Brian Wildsmith, I used one of his paintings for my colour scheme with the rest of my project. Anne Kyyro had a huge influence in my work as her work made me decide that I was also going to use felt and different ways that I could manipulate it. But I found the most useful thing in this project was the group blog, I could get the opinions of other textile students that may not create the same type of work as me or use the same processes but they gave me some really good ideas and were really encouraging when they thought my work was effective.  

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