Thursday 10 May 2012

Pattern Creations

I have now started drawing from the photos I took at the Cathedral, this is helping me to create my own patterns for the laser cutter. I had decided that I wanted to create a sample using the laser cutter to see how it would change the appearance of my piece compared to cutting it by hand. Drawing from the photos of the Cathedral was really useful and gave me lots of pattern ideas. I decided to cut out patterns from two hand dyed pieces of felt using scissors, cutting around stencils that I had created. I decided to make the patterns on each different as I thought this would look more interesting as when one is placed in front of the other you can see different cut away shapes through the first felt piece. I decided to photograph my piece up against a window, I thought this worked really effectively as it made the patterns stand out more. But I think that the spaces of felt between the gaps creating the pattern need to be bigger in future as one of my pieces drooped, stretching my pattern.

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