Tuesday 15 May 2012

Final Visualisation

For my final visualisation I wanted my piece to be hanging somewhere open so that the light could come through my pattern so you can see it more clearly. I used my photographs of my last sample to put together on photoshop to create a pattern, I then put this into a artists representation of the new building. I think my piece works really well in this space as it breaks up the areas so it doesn't feel so open and would also create nice patterns on the floor from the light shining through my piece. I also had to edit the colours of my felt on photoshop as my hand dyed felt didn't come out how I wanted it to, but once it was all finished I was very happy.

This is my final close up that I have also chosen to be displayed on the big screen on Oxford Road I wanted people to see the texture of the felt and also really get to view my pattern properly as you cant see it that well in my visualsation.

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