Friday 9 May 2014

Stage 5 Analysis

     I applied for the position of Junior Designer within Comfy Quilts; who own Jeff Banks at Home and Jeff Banks Port of Call. The design studio based in Cheshire design for both of these product ranges. I was asked to interview and felt more confident after having my first interview at Riva Home as we spoke about my different experiences within the design industry. I feel this will be the basis for all interviews so I can show I understand the context for my work and that I can produce designs to industry standard. I was not contacted by the company after the interview and when I tried to get feedback so I can try and improve my interview skills they did not get back to me.
     While on my interview they mentioned that they would like to have seen some of my designs I created while on internship with Mirjam Rouden Designs, which were for fashion, so I have decided I will have some feature in my final portfolio.
     I decided to work back into some of my designs so they would appear more distorted. The architecture ones didn't work well as they are busy enough without trying to distort the pixels.

    I took inspiration from this design by David Szauder to try to distort one of my weave designs as you can still tell what the image is but the stretched pixels slightly distort the image. I thought the lengthening of the pixels in some areas would work with the shape of the weave and appear like some of the threads have been pulled out. It also interrupts the images of the flowers even more than the weave. This one has been much more successful than the architecture ones.

Szauder, D, 2012, Face- scapes, Photograph, Viewed on 28/04/2013,

     I was concerned after looking back on the architecture designs I had already made that they didn't fit within my glitch collection, as I had tried to work into them more and none were successful. I have decided to let the natural development of my work show within the collection, starting with my architecture prints, which then lead to my woven prints which have a slight distortion, then the collection will finish with my pixelated designs. 
     When looking at my designs together they did not look part of the same collection as the colour palette was so broad. Studying wallpaper companies such as Designers Guild they use a very minimal colour palette and use a broad range of imagery for one collection.

Designers Guild, 2014, Surabaya Wallpaper Collection, Photograph, Viewed 29/04/2014,

     After reviewing this I have changed my colour palettes for both collections. I have decided my glitch collection will be aimed at a younger market so will use bright bold colours, and my vintage inspired collection will use more muted colours aimed at home owners. 

vintage inspired collection one colour- way

glitch collection one colour- way

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