Saturday 26 April 2014

Stage 4 Analysis

     I realised that my previous designs were not inspired by vintage patterns as I have been focusing on how to create the disruptions within the images, so I have decided to make another collection which will be inspired by vintage patterns and my first collection will be focused on image disruptions. The second collection will be intended for screen print production as I want it to have a different feel to my other collection. I have decided to use the same colour palette as the other collection so they have a link.
     Joel Dewberry's wallpaper is inspired by vintage print designs. His designs are created on Illustrator and uses contemporary colours to make his designs current to the market. I have decided that I will use Illustrator to create most of my designs for this collection as it will give me more control of the outcome of the image than hand drawing and I need to improve my skills on Illustrator as most print design jobs ask for skills in both Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. For a design to be contemporary it is suitable for either its imagery or colours to be modern, it does not have to be both, so I have decided I will use contemporary colours to make my collection current.

Dewberry, J, 2014, Deer Valley Collection, Digital Design, Viewed 10/04/2014,

     I am happy with the outcome of my designs I have produced for this collection so far, I felt that in the past unit some of my designs were too large and looked clumsy so I have taken into account the actual size of the print and how it would appear on the wall. I have started to create visualisations to represent the settings which would be best suited for each print; the audience for my second collection will be home owners. I have chosen interior settings which have a colour scheme to match my designs. This is important when companies are selling their designs because they are trying to sell a style to the audience, not just a wallpaper design. It is important for the audience to see what scale the prints are in context to the room. 

     I contacted wallpaper companies asking for production costs, one replied but wished to remain unnamed, they informed me that the cost for a roll of wallpaper would average between £4- £7 depending on the type of paint and paper and amount of colours. My designs would use matt paint and because of the minimal amount of colours would cost around £4 to produce but would sell for between £15 to £25.

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