Friday 11 April 2014

Stage 3 Analysis

     I decided to make a pitch for a space in the Vertical Gallery for during the degree show as I felt that even though my work is not meant for a gallery space it would increase exposure of my work, and some print designers have created work for gallery spaces, such as Katrin Olina who creates wall art on commission for public spaces but created the piece below for a gallery space. I like how the piece works with the space as it curves round the ledge on the ground. I decided I wanted my wall hanging to work in the space by curving round at the bottom mimicking the curves on the windows of the lecture rooms, and also giving a softness to the harsh concrete around it.

Olina, K, 2012, Wall hanging, Photograph, Viewed 24/ 03/2014,


     David Szauder is another glitch artist that runs his own blog and website called Pixelnoizz. The piece below inspired me to use classic prints within my designs and use these as glitches to distort the image as well. Szauder creates his designs using computer programmes but I want to create all my glitches by hand so I have control over the outcome. 
Szauder, D, 2011, All made by triangles, Digital Design, Viewed 26/03/2014,

This design is inspired by the polka dot print and I viewed each polka dot as representing a pixel. I also wanted to test using a mixture of different pixel sizes to distort the image even more, I think because of the images used in this print it appears too distorted and the larger pixeled images look like blobs. I want to test this idea further. 

     Wallpaper companies have designed woven wallpaper designs for many years as it adds texture to the wall and would coordinate with other features in the room, the design below is from the wallpaper company Thibaut. I am not aiming to create textured wallpaper within my collection but I thought that using my photographs of architecture and flowers I could weave these and create glitches within the images with each weave.  

Thibaut, 2012, Anguilla Weave- Wallpaper, Scan, Viewed 31/03/2014,

     Most wallpaper companies offer alternate colour ways of their designs as some colours may not sell as well as others and colour trends for interiors also change the popularity of some designs. The design below by Erica Wakerly is sold in three different colour ways, one which is more vivid and the other two in silver are more muted. The designs within my collection which have few colours in and don't include photography or drawn elements will offer three different colour ways so they reach a broader audience. 
Wakerly, E, 2008, Teepee Wallpaper, Photograph, Viewed 3/04/2014,

     I think these prints work effectively as at first glance you are not sure what they are, but the flowers start to reveal themselves. Because of the layers on the second print you are never quite sure what it is you are looking at. I think this difference within the designs makes them different enough to become part of one collection as you don't want two designs to look too similar. I also created three different colour ways for both these designs. 

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