Wednesday 21 May 2014

Stage 6 Analysis

     I applied for a design position within Holden Decor which they had advertised on their website. They didn't have much information about the job but I later found out it was for either a middle weight or senior designer as they emailed me back saying I was unsuccessful in this application but would like to interview me for a junior designer position they had not yet advertised. I attended an interview and met the design team and took a tour of the design facilities. This was the same as the past two interviews, focusing on my experiences within the design industry. They contacted me through email to inform me I had not gotten the job, again I contacted them asking for feedback so I could try and improve for next time but got no reply.
   I was inspired by Daniel Temkins' design to create a weave to coordinate with my other designs in my glitch collection. The layered marks in his design appear to move and blur, I wanted this kind of effect in my weave.
Temkin, D, 2012, Triangulation, Digital Design, View on 19/05/2014,

     At the porfolio session with past graduates from MMU I noticed one of the designers had a page before her designs were introduced, with a few initial ideas on, including photography, samples and drawings. I didn't think this would work for my vintage inspired collection as I don't have enough evidence of initial ideas as it originated from my glitch collection. So I don't want to create the page for one collection in my portfolio but not another. I have decided to create pages for before each collection in my portfolio, grouping my designs in their colour- ways and with the Pantone swatches underneath, showing I can consider colour-ways throughout the whole collection and designs working along side each other within a house. 

      While I have looked at job advertisements on the internet, I noticed a lot of companies ask for people to apply with a link to their online portfolio instead of sending designs examples in an email. Therefore I think it is important for me to have an online portfolio so I can increase the amount of jobs I can apply for and it will give my work more exposure. View my online portfolio at:
     I have received two awards on ViewBug for my photography work, these will feature on their blog, Twitter page and website, giving my work more exposure. 
 This photo won Absolute Masterpiece.

The photo won Superb Composition.

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