Monday 24 September 2012

Intentions Project

For the beginning of this new project, we were set a task to create our own concept for a project, to help us do this we needed to break down how we work and what we are interested in. I used my summer mood boards to help me do this, I knew before I even started looking that I wanted to do the digital print workshop as I have recently become very interested in photoshop and the different effects I am able to create, I wanted to study this further, but I was unsure whether my work would be for fashion or interiors.
     I noticed from my mood boards that I am interested in layering and different surfaces, my work is very tactile, but yet I am now wanting to put this traditionally 3D quality into something 2D, so my tutor told me to look at the work of Norma Stasnakova. So leading from this I thought about things that are dilapidated or torn. I also noticed that I take inspiration from old textiles processes such as embroidery and lace.

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