Sunday 29 April 2012

Experimenting with light

After going to the Cube Gallery and deciding that I wanted to try and work with light behind my pieces, I have now started to look at other artists that have introduced light into their work. One is Claudia Caviezel who works with pattern. I really liked her work with masking tape which she stuck onto windows. I then decided that I wanted a go at this myself which I found really effective. One my patterns were finished I decided to cut shapes out of the patterns to let more light in and looked really effective as what was left was just strips and shapes of masking tape with no over laying which created darker shadows.

I then thought this would be a good idea to introduce into my drawing, so I made patterns using masking tape onto paper which I then drew over. I thought this worked really effectively as it gave my drawing a 3D feel. Like my window pieces I decided to take parts of the pattern away from my drawing to see how it would alter my drawing. I liked the effect as it left lines where I had drawn on top of the masking tape.

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