Wednesday 12 December 2012

Tigerprint creating visual research

When doing contextual research into the Tigerprint company I found this interesting wrapping paper that they created for Marks & Spencer's. It wasn't in your face Christmas, it was subtle and playful which I liked, but also reminded me of Great Britain as a Nation. I thought how Britain has had such a good year with the Jubilee and the Olympics and so I wanted to take inspiration from this. I thought about what makes us a country proud to be British:

  • fish and chips
  • British bulldog 
  • mini
  • Cornish pasties
  • Houses of Parliament
  • fried breakfast
  • Yorkshire puddings
  • The Queen
  • 10 Downing Street
  • London Eye
  • James Bond
  • cricket
  • ale
  • NHS
  • Thunderbirds
  • Sir Isaac Newton
  • Abbey Road Studios
  • Dr Who
  • The National Gallery
  • Big Ben
  • Monty Python

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