Tuesday 18 December 2012

Bradford Textile Society Design Competetion

I have also decided to enter the Bradford Textile Society Design Competition, I have chosen A1, which is the Bradford College Textile Archive Award. For this I have to create  a design for a furnishing fabric manufactured by any process, which is inspired by a sample from the Bradford Textile Archive. It suggests to consider: colour, texture, scale, proportion, rotation and introducing new elements.
I first considered to use this piece from the archives but I thought that it would be a safe one to go with as floral patterns are very popular, I wanted to test myself and go for a more unusual pattern that I wouldn't normally choose to work from.
I also considered this print from the archives, I started to think of other artists work and things that could inspire my redesign of this piece, such as the work of Picasso,
this piece by DQtrs company 
and the work of Lyubov Popova.

But I have decided to use this piece from the archives as I thought it would work with my strengths of line drawing, this will also help me improve my different styles of line drawing.I would also not normally choose to work in pastel colours so I think this piece will help me improve my work with colour.

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