Wednesday 21 December 2011

Monoprinting on different metallic surfaces

I decided to do some monoprinting using the images from my photos for inspiration. I also thought the outcomes of my monoprinting may give me inspiration for my future knits in terms of structure, pattern or use of colour. I decided to use metallic surfaces to print onto as I thought this would resemble jewellery more. I used foil and silver and gold paper. I also sprayed cartridge paper silver, putting the can closer to the paper in some parts to change the intensity of the colour which I thought would look more interesting under the monoprint, I found this worked effectively and adds to the textures of the monoprint ink. I then decided to spray over some gold paper with the silver paint to give a two tone look under the monoprint, I found this also worked very effectively. I have decided that I would like to stitch over the top of some of these pieces to add to the texture and make the images and shapes stand out more. I also tried spraying over the top of some cling film which created a rippled water effect, I would also like to try stitching into this.

Monoprint on gold paper I am going to stitch over.

Silver spray paint on cling film.

Monoprint on sprayed cartridge paper.

This is a drawing I coloured in with metallic marker pens, I then created a light wash using the colours of the marker pens to create light shadows. I have decided that I want to put a sheet of tracing paper over this to dull the colours and then stitch more chains over the top in black thread.

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