Monday 2 December 2013

Stage 8 Analysis

I joined View Bug which is a website for the photography community where you can participate in contests and helps to promote photographers, and gain recognition. I thought this would be a good place to promote myself as a designer, linking it with my Twitter account for people to see both my design work and photography work. Within one day of using the site I was recognised by a photographer, Liza Otrefy from San Diego in America, she gave me an award for superb composition for the photograph below. View my View Bug profile at:

     I started a conversation on one of the Linkedin groups 'Freelance Textile Designers', asking what size they would recommend a portfolio to be. I wanted to know from professionals in the industry for when I start to assemble mine. I also wanted to start making more of a contribution to the group as employers take notice of top contributors, this will be important when I start to apply for jobs. I got feedback on my question and am now a top contributor to the group.
     I was emailed by the owner of Feedspot, a social feed reader, as my blog is adding value to Feedspot because it is getting a lot of followers. I decided after hearing this it was important for my profile on my blog to be more professional so I have edited my information giving them the link to my Linkedin account and welcoming any questions about my work.

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