Monday 4 November 2013

Stage 4 Analysis

After studying my ice photographs I observed that some had a layout like a landscape, so I decided to use two projectors and layer my photographs to create a landscape view similar to sublime paintings. These worked effectively but were too busy once projected onto the 3D forms. I could use the photos of the two projections taken against the wall when creating my design collection, although the photos didn't look like landscapes because of the detail, they still created striking images.

     I felt that it was important to start creating my design collection so I could use the ideas and samples I had already created and develop these further. I decided that I would make two separate collections as the images and colours in my photography would not suit a mid market range, so these will be used for my high end collection. I will pick certain colours from my photography to create colour ways for my mid market range. I still want the two collections to have elements which are similar, this will be developed when creating the two collections.
     The first designs I created for my high end collection were inspired by my hand made cut out 'glitches', I used the shapes from the photos to link with the past samples I have created. I used a half drop repeat design as I thought this would create more of a flow to my designs. I was unhappy with my first design as the shapes look mechanical. I decided I needed the shapes to be more uniform as in my hand made cut out 'glitches' so there is some order within the disorder.

     I think my next two designs worked much better and I managed to keep the mood within my designs. 

I decided to take inspiration from Piia Podersalu's design and create mirrored designs as I thought this would work well with my idea of mirroring the ice. These designs are effective and work well with the designs I have done above because the colours and textures complement each other.

Podersalu, P. Tie- dye. Piia Podersalu. [Online image] [Accessed on 03/10/2013]


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