Wednesday 9 January 2013

Movement in Still

I have done more research into the photographer Etienne- Jules Marey, I took a book out of the library on him by Marta Brown called 'Picturing Time'. I took photos from this and the book 'Hummingbirds' by Walter Scheithauer and did some large scale drawings from photos of birds movements.

I also did some reading on artists work that was inspired by Marey's photography, such as Edgar Degas, Frantisek Kupka, Marcel Duchamp, Luigi Russolo and Giacomo Balla. 

I especially like this piece by Frantisek Kupka named 'Organisation of Graphic Motifs 2'. I also like the work of Edgar Degas, below, I like his sketchy way of drawing, I think it represents movement very well.

'The Ballet Dancer'

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