Friday 26 October 2012

Whitworth Art Gallery Lace Collection

I managed to organise a viewing of the lace collection at Whitworth Art Gallery to help me with my visual research and ideas for sampling. The visit proved very stimulating as I have now thought of many new ideas for my sampling. I viewed lace from Honiton, Italy, France and Hungary.
This piece reminded me of spiders webs in old stately homes, maybe I could introduce this into my designs?

This piece looks like it has devil faces hidden in it, maybe I could mix my drawings of rams skulls and tigers heads with lace designs? It also reminded me of the Raphael drawing I saw in a book in MMU's special collections which has hidden ghostly faces in the back ground. 

I also liked the pieces that included gold threads, metallics would work really well in my work, it would give it an even more decadent feel.

This piece was so bold and beautiful, it was made by 12 rose point motifs mounted on velvet. It made me think about sewing back on top of my work. 

I loved the effect this lace cuff gave as it is layered up, I need to think about how I can layer up my designs to create more designs that can flow and be copied.

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