Friday 21 February 2014

Evaluation of Practice Unit

     I feel that my understanding of the context for my work has increased greatly during this project, taking into consideration use of colour, size and imagery in production processes. I understand better how the audience influences colour palette and imagery. My work has developed to a more professional standard with my use of the combination of different digital programmes. The professionalism of my presentation has improved with research into designers/ artists use of presentation in different media and the use of InDesign which I hadn't used before. I was ambitious with the aims of my project as I had never designed a floral print before and I have now designed a floral collection suitable to be sold within a wallpaper company.
I feel I have used social media to promote myself as a designer successfully, becoming a top contributor in Linkedin, receiving two awards on ViewBug and increasing followers on my blog. For Unit X I plan to create a digital wallpaper collection for paper.

Friday 14 February 2014

Stage 14 Analysis

I received a Remarkable Award from the judges on, this will be shown on their website, Twitter and blog, giving my work more exposure.

I have emailed interior print companies inviting them to my degree show, through this my work will receive more exposure and may lead to experience with the industry through organising internships and making connections.

I have researched into artists' books at the special collections and Magma book shop to inform myself on layout, materials and binding for my photography book. Through my research I have decided I want my book to have a hard cover as it needs to be durable. I also want a boarder round my photographs and printed onto different papers as the textures make it interesting and will change the outcome of the image. I designed my final book on InDesign so the images would be cohesive throughout.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Stage 13 Analysis

I decided that within my mid market range I could afford to have more variation in the colours I use as the imagery is similar. I also considered a green in my colour palette and decided it is not appropriate for interiors as it is similar to hospital gowns. I also reviewed some earlier work and decided I would create check designs which use different textures to my current designs so they would coordinate better. I also wanted to use layers of unfinished lines to represent 'glitches' in my drawn weaves to link with my initial visual imagery.