Friday 9 November 2012

Screen image

I wanted to create another screen image that was inspired by the lace I saw in the Whitworth Collection, specifically the one with the hidden faces in it.

I decided to use the faces from my past designs in my new design so I decided to use the rams skull as this was a prominent figure around Nostel Priory, the stately home where I did my initial research. I first started by creating my images like lace with the holes, marking those down in black. But once I had finished my design and edited it on photoshop my designs in printing had changed, the backgrounds had become more important in creating the different textures. If I were to use this lace design it would be hard for it to stand out against the textured backgrounds as the dots are so small.

After knowing this I decided I needed to reverse the colours, so when I would be printing with the design, I would have more background to work with and the holes would stay plain. I reworked this on photoshop but the lines became unclean again and would need too much editing which I dont have time for. I have decided to carry on using my spirograph screen design, using different techniques combined, but especially devore', illuminating, manutex and testing the extra materials that were inspired by Norma Starszakowna.

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