Saturday 30 June 2012

Dresscode Commission

I participated in a live commission on 23rd June, part of the 'High street 2012 Summer Safari' in Whitechapel, London. High street 2012 was to support and celebrate different arts, heritages and community organisations, trying to improve public spaces in the city and was to part of the London's Great Outdoors programme. I was involved with two artists Jai Redman and Robin Woolston in creating the bicycle- bag sculpture which was inspired by the textiles industry at Whitechapel. I made and designed two bags which were inspired by chintz designs.

I also helped out at the Ideas Store which holds a small gallery on the top floor, which we exhibited a mosaic of our photographs and information of the history of Whitechapel, the public then came in and chose ten of their favourites which I sewed together into a book for them. I was also involved in talking to the public and informing them on the High Street 2012 festival. Other things that I was connected to with the Dresscode commission was the artists were painting two large inflatable domes with textile inspired patterns; and Robin Woolston was using disposed yarns to weave between the trees, in a place called The Waste, she thought it was very fitting that she would be creating her work in a place that the public had disposed of, using materials that the public had disposed of.