Monday 3 October 2011

visit to manc museum

I have chosen rocks and minerals as my word for initial inspiration for the origins unit. Last week I decided to visit Manchester Museum to view their rocks and minerals exhibition. These are all photos i took while I was there that I find particularly interesting. The photo above is of a polished section of a monkey puzzle tree trunk. The growth rings of the tree look so interesting to look at because they have been so well preserved and the mixture of colours, reminding me a little of tie-dye.

This is a polished section of connemara marble. I could do a study on this using felt and stitch into it with french knots to create more dimensions to the piece like the marble appears. 
Interior design lighting ideas - art lights by UK textile artist Mary-Clare Buckle - 'Random' (lights on)
I like these pieces by Mary- Claire Buckle, created with home made felt. Her wool has metallic fibres that reflect the light so they draw your attention to them even more.

In nature it isn't often you get something so vibrant so I found this rock particularly interesting. I also like the rippled effect on the crust. 

I like this piece as you could easily imagine stitching this pattern into material. It reminds me of bubble painting that you do when you are little, examples of the paintings are below.